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Why you should start your morning with tea!

Updated: May 20, 2022

Did you know, the natural herbs in tea help kickstart your body's natural energy and some teas have almost the same amount of caffeine as coffee!

5 facts about starting your morning with tea :

  1. Gives you the energy without the jitters.

  2. Promotes brain function.

  3. Black tea has been proven to lower stress levels by 47%

  4. The natural herb sin tea act as an antibiotic and natural remedy to bacteria which can lower your risk of getting an infection.

  5. Tea contains lots of antioxidants

As simple as coffee

The reason I chose tea over coffee is because it not only gives me caffeine, but it also does it without me feeling WIRED lol you also get a lot of vitamins in tea!

There are so many benefits of tea backed by science, but have you heard the spiritual and metaphysical benefits? Lets break it down. As we know tea is made from all kinds of different herbs, and regardless of religion or spiritual beliefs, every plant serves a purpose on this earth. Nature has given us so many natural herbal remedies. Just as people study medication in their medical fields, those of us who are metaphysically spiritual are 9 out 10 times self taught herbalists. Learning the benefits and dangers of every plant is so important for survival. Every day shrubbery or yard plants that grow can have so many medical benefits that we don't even know and pass it up or pull it out and throw it away without thinking twice.

For instance Dandelions : From root to petal dandelions are 100% edible. You can use the leaves in dandelion green salad or cook them down to have a delish side of a meal. You can steep the flower heads ( after cleaning of course) and make dandelion tea OR coffee. Bake in any dessert and so much more! Just by adding dandelion you've consumed a hearty amount of antioxidants, Helped with inflammation, balanced blood sugar, promotes liver health, helped reduce cholesterol and triglycerides, even boosted weight loss. All of that from a weed we normally pickup and toss in the dumpster.

Now imagine all of the different teas out there! All the benefits of every herb blend just in 1 simple cup. Have I convinced you to swap out your favorite latte or cappuccino in the morning for a beneficial cup of tea? No one says not to have your favorite cup of coffee, just swap the first up out with a tea that maximize your bodies abilities!

Thank you for coming to me TED talk lol . Hope this helps! xoxo Lexi

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