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Let’s Spill The Tea on JuneTeenth

June 19th, 1865 is the REAL Independence Day for ALL Americans. Although there were people of color free in the US before this time, until this date that ALL slaves were free, there were still hundreds of African-Americans and Haitian-Americans in slavery in states like Texas and Louisiana that didn’t know they were SUPPOSED to be free.

Let’s talk the history of Hoodoo & Voodoo

There is such a negative attachment to the words ”Voodoo & Hoodoo” BUT did you know that the Hoodoo and Voodoo practice use the entire book of Pslams from the Bible? The practice actually originated with the Salves of the south. Slaves were not allowed to attend church services. They would hold their own services in the fields and were lucky if they could obtain a bible to preach or sermon from.

Tea for thought.

People who looked like me, were enslaved, not free, on July 4th 1776. “What to the Slave is Fourth of July?” ( Fredrick Douglass). .

Americans are so quick to judge when People of Color question 4th of July. We were not considered free Americans on this holiday. I struggle with this concept because this is also the arounf the time the national anthem was born. “ For the land of the FREE and the home of the Brave”. We were not free, and when signed up to fight FOR America, we were not trained like White soldiers, we were not given the equipment of White Soliders, Our people were sent like test rats to die as expendables.

Now I say I struggle with this as a Military child. I was raised under the the US flag. Standing for the national anthem, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, I am one who backs out military members and stands for what our CURRENT military is fighting for. Now as an adult with the knowledge of the history of those who looked like me, I look at the flag and am perplexed. We shall dive in more on the 4th of July of what it means to be Free and what our government sees as Free.


Juneteenth is a Huge Holiday in the Black community for the sole fact that THAT is our freedom day. That is when our freedom bells rang. Chain dropped & shackles released. That is the day we joined America as Free People. Now there are so many other trials and tribulations we had to go through passed this point to be considered true Americans but THIS DATE was our 1st Victory under the US Government.

Thank ya’ll for tuning in and seeing what I had to say. This is my personal blog and feel free to add comments for discussion! I lover you all! Love and Light 🤍🌙 - Lexi

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