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Store Policy

Customer Care

It is our mission at  White Owl Novelties to help out customers the best way we know possible! Though we are Wonderfully Wicked , we make it a priority to show outstanding service to our customers. We have backed and vetted all of our goods and services to provide you with quality products and services. Here at White Owl Novelties we are Anti-Discrimination whether that be Race, Sexual Orientation, Religion, Practice, the Planet you are from, or any of the other beautifully unique qualities that make you an amazing human being.  

Communication is key! We ask that if you have any questions, concerns, or HELPFUL critiques that you contact us so that we may be aware of the ideas or obstacles! We love to hear HOOTS from our fellow Owls!

Privacy & Safety

We believe that your business is your business and no one else's. Your privacy and private information is not only important to you but also important to us! We will never sell any of your personal information that is provided on this site. We will email you with newsletters and deals ONLY IF you chose to subscribe to them. Your information is secure and protected by the manifestation and crystals I've placed around my computer! JUST KIDDING! Wix is backed by encryption and measures taken to protect your information for secure checkouts. 

Payment Methods

- Credit / Debit Cards

- Offline Payments

Payment Methods
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